"We pass through this world but once. Few tragedies can be more extensive than the stunting of life, few injustices deeper than the denial of an opportunity to strive or even to hope, by a limit imposed from without, but falsely identified as lying within."
--Stephen Jay Gould, The Mismeasure of Man

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to work..

It all went smoothly today, but boy was it a rough change! It's always hard to go back to work after a long and delightful break, but Oliver couldn't have been more happy to go back to school. He had a great time and came back from school all smiles. I wonder if my students left my class with the same? I think it's much harder to have seniors be happy about going back to school than kindergarteners. I'm enjoying not having to rush to night classes after the work day and am even sticking to my resolution to cook dinner so we can eat as a family. It's easy to stick to your goal on day one, but we'll see and hope it keeps working out. Either way, it's nice not be in class tonight.

1 comment:

hillary barney said...

So cute! What an adorable little Oliver.